Service Times: Sundays 9:15am & 11am ET

Our Story

How it all started...

In the Summer of 2014, The Vine began with monthly gatherings at our pastor Travis and Jennica’s home, to cast vision and invite friends to join in planting a new Vineyard church in Goshen, Indiana. Six months and many living-room-worship-services later in January 2015, The Vine began meeting for Sunday morning services in Goshen. We were continually amazed at the growth God brought us as we had to move into larger facilities three times in our first two years as a church family. By God’s grace, we purchased our current facility in the Summer of 2019, and began the year long process of transforming an empty warehouse that had once served as a grocery store and indoor soccer complex into our new church home. From the very beginning, and as our church grows, the Vine remains committed to keeping relationships at the heart of what we do. We believe that it is through relationship with God first, then with others, that we can create a thriving community of healthy Jesus-followers that reach the city of Goshen.

We then outgrew that building and moved into this one in 2016!

Thanks to so many of you joining our family, we moved to an even larger building at 501 N Indiana Ave. Goshen IN.

After a couple more years of growing, we then purchased our current location in 2019!

We then outgrew our location at 501 N Indiana Ave. Goshen IN and moved to our current location at 2616 Peddler's Village Rd. Goshen IN.

Where we are headed...

Our church family is growing and we aim to continually love, serve and reach the city of Goshen, Indiana.

Your Stories (Testimonials)

Desarae describes what she went through during the pandemic as she learns about a life-altering diagnosis for her son while simultaneously experiencing economic uncertainty which lead her to The Vine.
Austin & Allie share their story on how Jesus changed their lives and how we helped play a part.
Breanna who serves as one of our worship leaders shares her story of how God encountered her and transformed her life as she chased things that couldn't fulfill her the way God does.
Jack who suffered second degree burns from a grilling accident discovered he was miraculously healed the day after he received prayer from our most recent #HolySpirit worship night.

Be A Part Of Our Story...

Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together, engage in community and learn biblical teachings at 9:15 am and 11 am.

Share Your Story

How has our church family impacted your life and the life of your family? Please share below.
We may contact you if we feel your story could be shared during service or filmed for social media.