"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it."
Proverbs 22:6
Vine Kids exists to partner with families to equip and empower the next generation to love God personally, serve others thoughtfully, and reach the people in their lives for Jesus.
We offer safe, fun age-appropriate ministry to children from 9 months to 5th grade.
We offer safe, fun age-appropriate ministry to children from 9 months to 5th grade.
Our Vine Kids Programs
NextGen Babies
9-24 months
In NextGen Babies, babies are loved, cuddled and cared for in a classroom with age-appropriate toys. You can receive a tag for your diaper bag and drop it off, but we’ve got back-up diapers as well. We generally offer snacks; please inform the class leader if you do not wish for your child to receive them.

NextGen 2-3
2-3 years
In NextGen 2-3, toddlers watch an age-appropriate video about God’s love, while enjoying a snack. Plenty of interactive play time is provided as well. You can receive a tag for your diaper bag and drop it off, but we’ve got back-up diapers as well. We generally offer Veggie Straws or Animal Crackers; please inform the class leader if you do not wish for your child to receive a snack.

NextGen 4-K
4 years - Kindergarten
NextGen 4-K is where we begin exploring the Bible chronologically with our children. This is where we start to show our children that the Bible has a lot of stories, but all those stories are telling one big story. The story of how God loves his children and comes to rescue them. We explore this with our children while supporting the lessons with developmentally appropriate activities.

NextGen 1st-3rd
1st - 3rd grade
NextGen 1st-3rd focuses on working through the Bible chronologically in a small group setting. This is supported with developmentally appropriate activities to support the lesson. NextGen 1st-3rd invites children to discover how God is at the center of every story, including theirs.

NextGen 4th-5th
4th- 5th grade
NextGen 4th-5th challenges preteens to make the connection between Bible learning and life transformation. Ignite works through the Bible chronologically with developmentally appropriate activities to support the lesson. Ignite is focused on creating a safe space for our preteens as they begin to seek spiritual answers and develop their own value system. This is done by inviting preteens into a small group setting where they can explore Scripture, ask questions, and build relationships.

Sunday Mornings
9:15am & 11am
New here? If this will be your first Sunday with us, we’ll need to collect some information about you and your child as part of the initial check in process. You can speed up your initial check in by submitting your information to us online ahead of your visit:
Vine Kids: New Family Questionnaire
Vine Kids: New Family Questionnaire
Check In
All children should be checked in before heading to their classroom. New families can check in their kids at our Welcome Center, who will be able to answer any questions or concerns. Returning families are able to use our self-service kiosk stations to check in before dropping their children off at their classroom.
Pick Up & Drop Off
Parents may drop their children off at their classrooms 10 minutes before the start of each service, and they can be picked up from the same classroom at the end of service. We ask that parents please pick their children up promptly following the end of service.
At check in, we’ll provide a name tag with a unique security code for both you and your child. This security code is used to identify you as the parent of your child upon pick up, but this security code will also be displayed on the screen if you are needed during the service.